PTBC (Physical Therapy Board of California) California Law Practice Exam 2024 - Free PTBC California Law Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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In California, for how long can PTs treat patients without an MD referral?

45 days or 12 visits, whichever comes first

In California, physical therapists are able to treat patients without an MD referral for 45 days or for up to 12 visits, whichever comes first. This is based on the 2014 legislation known as the Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC) Direct Access Law. While options B, C, and D may seem similar, they are not entirely accurate as they do not include the 45-day time limit. This is a crucial factor as it allows PTs more time to assess and treat patients before requiring an MD referral.

30 days or 12 visits, whichever comes first

45 days or 10 visits, whichever comes first

30 days or 10 visits, whichever comes first


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